

是的, Oak Grove started in 1906 as the Oak Grove Lutheran Ladies Seminary, a high school for girls at a time when their mothers were not eligible to vote in the United States. 1926年男生入学. Today’s 北校区 is the original site of the Lutheran Ladies Seminary.


是的. Accreditation assures 家长s that a school meets comprehensive standards for quality, 表现及学生成绩. Oak Grove has been accredited continuously since 1926 by Cognia and its predecessor organizations. 事实上, no private school in North Dakota or South Dakota has been accredited longer than Oak Grove has, 据科尼亚说. 目前的认证将持续到2027年6月.


绝对. Oak Grove provides a Christian education and experience from a Lutheran perspective. The school’s mission is clear: To express God’s love by nurturing students for academic achievement, 终身基督徒委身, 和爱心服务世界各地. 事实上, today’s mission statement reflects ideals present in the school’s original mission statement. Oak Grove is affiliated with the ELCA, the nation’s largest Lutheran body.


Oak Grove welcomes children and families from all religions with the understanding that academics, faith and service are intertwined as part of the Oak Grove experience.


是的. Oak Grove holds chapel services each morning on the 北校区 and Tuesday mornings on the 南校区. 邀请家长参加!


很好的问题. Optimal enrollments are 16 students per room in kindergarten and first grade and up to 20 students per room in grades 2-5. 换一种说法, the school ideally enrolls about 64 students in both kindergarten and first grade and 60 students total in each grade 2-12. 学生与教师的比例约为14:1.

What are Oak Grove’s basic principles on student behavior?

Students are expected to “conduct themselves in a manner which respects the rights of other students and fosters the teachings of Christianity,就像学生手册上写的那样. 换一种说法, students are expected to reflect the school’s 共同的价值观 通过他们的言行.


No. 在基督里和好(RIC), 1983年开始了一场运动, 是一个帮助信仰团体的项目吗, 主要是教堂, support people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Some churches in the Fargo-Moorhead area carry the RIC designation.


No. Critical race theory is a research approach used primarily in sociology for 40 years or more. It may be taught as part of a university graduate class in sociology, 政治科学, 法律或历史, 不是在高中.

Does Oak Grove accept students with learning disabilities?

Oak Grove leaders have worked with several families whose children have learning challenges that can be accommodated within the school’s available resources.

How does Oak Grove respond to students who are exploring gender identity?

单独. 我们的学生是上帝的孩子. 在过去的几年里, a small number of students have explored gender identity while enrolled at Oak Grove. The school’s practice has been to walk with students (and their families) as individuals, respecting their privacy while acknowledging the apprehension or the uncertainty of a new dynamic for other students. 最重要的是, the school’s practice reflects the mission statement: To express God’s love by nurturing students for academic achievement, 终身基督徒委身, 和爱心服务世界各地. Oak Grove is a safe place where all students have the right to learn. Accommodations for students exploring gender identity start with conversations that include 家长s and an opinion from a medical professional who has the credentials to assess gender dysphoria. 从那里, Oak Grove leaders will determine how the student’s needs can be met within the realities of people, 设施和调度. Academic staff make accommodations for students who have learning challenges such as autism or dyslexia and for students who show gifted learner characteristics. 学校领导, 与父母一起工作, make similar adjustments for students exploring gender identity.


That’s a personal matter for students and their 家长s. Oak Grove is a safe place where all God’s children have the right to learn. Oak Grove faculty and staff focus on nurturing students as individuals for academic achievement, 终身基督徒委身, 和爱心服务世界各地, 如任务说明所述.


橡树园绝不容忍欺凌. 学校有一项每年都要审查的政策.


既不. Oak Grove is a school; faculty and staff are committed to providing an environment that nurtures students for academic achievement, 终身基督徒委身, 和爱心服务世界各地. 这所学校不是一个政治实体.

Do students at Oak Grove recite the Pledge of Allegiance?

是的,还有主祷文. 每一天.


是的,还有几个俱乐部球队! Oak Grove fields 10 athletic teams under the Grovers banner, and students participate actively on teams in 13 other sports that are sponsored cooperatively with neighboring schools.


The school’s theater productions attract hundreds of patrons each year. 合唱团通常每年完成一次春季巡回演出, 乐队在北校区举办音乐会. 辩论队是近几年才成立的. Philanthropy and Youth (PaY) develops the spirit of giving among high school students and offers skill development. 20多所地区学校参与了该项目. Other options include Key Club for leadership development, 全国艺术荣誉学会, 机器人/茎俱乐部, 还有一个很受欢迎的课后桌游俱乐部. Historically, Oak Grove students have learned through travel opportunities and mission trips.


全球思维, 格罗弗是一个学生, 家长, 校友, 老师, Oak Grove的工作人员或支持者. Looking at the mascot, a Grover is someone who works in a forest. The school is named Oak Grove because the original buildings were surrounded by oak trees on a peninsula in the Red River. The historic 北校区 and the adjoining city park still feature dozens of oak trees.


木材. Students selected the name through a contest held in 2022.

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